Friday, January 26, 2018

President Trump Makes a Breakthrough in Negotiation with North Korea

The Winter Olympics and North Korea’s sable rattling have put Korea on the front page again.  The CIA is reportedly briefing the President on scenarios involving a limited attack on North Korea.  This is all part of the elaborate Kabuki theater that has been running for almost 70 years.   The problem of North Korea is the result of the decision in 1945 by the progressives in the U.S. government to divide the peninsula with Joseph Stalin.  What could go wrong?  North Korean dictators have been threatening to resume the conflict for decades and have been rewarded handsomely for their efforts.  Kim Jong Un’s mental status is frequently called into question.  However, he has been following a successful strategy that has worked for his family for three generations.  They have received billions of dollars in aid.  The CIA has made many miscalculations about this conflict, however, its Director Mike Pompeo is correct when he says, ““Kim is a rational man.”  Kim is also not completely independent.

Kim Jong-Un is the Chinese organ grinder’s monkey.  It would not have been possible for North Korea to develop its nuclear program without the assistance of the Chinese.  North Korea is poorer than Ethiopia.  The Chinese are completely satisfied with North Korean threats and see no need to reign the North in as long as they do not need to pay a price.  This may provide a possible solution to Chinese present covert support of the North.  Japan and South Korea undoubtedly would be reluctant to assume the responsibility of being nuclear armed powers.  However, if they could be persuaded to appear to be considering the offer the Chinese would be alarmed.  This might induce them to intervene in North Korea. 

Prior to North Korea’s acquisition of nuclear weapons the cost of a conflict on the peninsula was too great.  The North Korean People’s Army Artillery Command has 12,000 pieces of tube artillery and 2,300 pieces of multiple launch rocket artillery.  Much of this artillery is targeted on Seoul.  While there is some debate about the effectiveness of this force, the number of casualties is unacceptable whether it is measured in the tens of thousands or in millions.  The 28,500 U.S. troops deployed in South Korea are a tripwire that would bring an immediate response in the event of an attack.

Even if North Korea cannot be induced to abandon its nuclear program there should not be a problem.  The effectiveness of this threat is based on the reaction of the United States.  There are countries that have possessed nuclear weapons for quite some time that are potentially a greater threat than North Korea.  U.S. negotiations with North Korea have been in the hands of professional diplomats from the beginning.  These people are experts and have advanced degrees from Ivy League universities.  Now these negotiations are being guided by a man who reportedly is below average intelligence and possibly mentally unbalanced.  Trump tweeted, "North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the 'Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.  Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!"  What are the results of Trump’s apparently adolescent remarks?  Investmentwatch reports, “it appears Trump’s words and actions have resulted in the North and South talking for the first time in many years.”  President Moon Jae-in of South Korea credited President Trump with helping force the North to resume dialogue and strike a broader agreement to improve Korean ties.  “I am giving a lot of credit to President Trump,” Mr. Moon said a day after the two Koreas forged their agreement during border talks. “I am expressing my gratitude.”  Of course the New York Times could not allow President Moon’s praise to go unanswered.  “Mr. Moon’s comments and his conversation with Mr. Trump suggested a tactful maneuver by the South Korean leader to stroke the ego of Mr. Trump.”  Moon did not really believe Trump had facilitated negotiations.  He was merely stroking Trump’s ego.

The threats coming from North Korea can be ignored.  Kim Jong Un knows that any conflict will result in his downfall.  He lives an exceedingly good life as any multibillionaire would.  His only fear should be the collapse of his military and the security forces that keep him in power.  More and more North Koreans are becoming aware of the affluence of the South and the severe poverty of the North.  

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Lester Holt Sides With Mass Murderer

NBC’s Lester Holt traveled to North Korea in advance of the 2018 Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea in order to inform the American public about the situation there.  North Korea is possibly one of the most tragic examples of what 21st century despotism is capable of.  The Human Rights Watch World Report 2017 claimed, ‘North Korea remains one of the most repressive states in the world.”  Holt’s report can only be described as despicable.  He follows a long line of Western reporters who have been willing tools of leftist dictators.  They were and are accomplices in the mass murder of millions of people.  Pulitzer Prize winner Walter Duranty is perhaps the best example of this as he tried to minimize the impact of Stalin’s policies in the Ukraine.  These policies led to the death of millions of people.  Holt reported from a Potemkin ski resort as apparently happy North Koreans were enjoying their time on the slopes.  Holt also interviewed “people on the street.”  To everyone’s surprise, they all mimicked the party line.  Had he interviewed someone with suicidal tendencies who wanted to tell him the truth, the tape would never have gotten out of the north. Holt claimed, “it’s impossible to know what people on the street really think.”

Holt’s report covering the Olympics has the added benefit of attacking President Trump.  It was an opportunity to portray North Korea in a favorable light while accusing the U.S. president of giving an adolescent response to the North Korean dictator’s threats.  In response to Kim Jung Un’s threat Trump tweeted,
"North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the 'Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.  Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!"  This “mine is bigger than yours” technique may sound undiplomatic, but it might just be a language Kim Jong Un understands.

Were previous professional diplomatic efforts successful?  The 2008 Congressional Research Service Report claimed that the U.S. provided North Korea with over $1 billion in assistance between 1995 and 2008.  This does not include aid that was provided by the UN and NGOs.  Much of that aid originated in the U.S.  In addition to billions in financial aid, former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright gave Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong Un’s father, a basketball signed by Michael Jordan.  This aid comes from ordinary American taxpayers.  This money is going to a man whose net worth is reportedly $5 billiion.  The need for aid was necessitated by a climatic phenomenon that seems to frequently attack socialist countries.  North Korea claims it has been hit by its worst drought in a century.

Holt’s mission was important to NBC.  They did not want any mistakes.  Holt is not the sharpest knife in the draw.  It was important enough to be supervised by NBC News President Noah Oppenheim.  Oppenheim is playing the role played by CNN’s former head, Eason Jordan.  Jordan wrote an op-ed in the New York Times entitled “The News We Kept to Ourselves.”  In it he explained how CNN intentionally distorts the news.  In order to maintain access a reported must not offend his or her source.  This is understandable.  However, when the source is responsible for mass murder moral considerations enter the equation.  NBC apparently has decided to take the side of the mass murderers. 

Monday, January 22, 2018

Beautiful Haiti

The LA Times reports that Conan O'Brien is filming a Haiti special as a rebuke of Trump's disparaging remarks
Conan O’Brien is shooting a “Conan” travel special in response to President Trump’s recent disparaging remarks about the country.  He tweeted: “Follow me all this weekend in real time as I explore this beautiful country. #ConanHaiti”  O’Brien remarked, “I have no idea what the president has against the people of Haiti, but if the president doesn’t like them, they must be lovely people,”  adding, “I’m sure I’m going to love Haiti, because Trump hates it so much. What I’ve noticed is whenever that guy hates something, I wind up loving it.”  Only one person accused the president of using the word shithole and that person is a proven liar. (He claimed a GOP leader told Obama he could not stand to look at him.)  The president, two senators and a cabinet member deny it.  This pathetic “man” makes a good living flimflamming the public.  He stresses the fact that Trump hates the people of Haiti.   President Trump does not hate the people of Haiti.  Conan the Idiot is perfectly happy with his fellow leftists who have made billions exploiting the suffering of the Haitian people.  This is the real scandal.  Anderson Cooper, another leftist idiot, claims Haiti is among the richest countries in culture.  Part of that culture is an acceptance of corruption and criminality.  Conan ’s efforts will result in nothing.  You could spend a couple of trillion building luxury apartments in Haiti and in a few years it would be back to where it was.  The problem is the Hatian people.  They may be among the most pleasant people in the world but their values condemn them to a life of misery.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Booker Hysterics

The Senator does a great Flat Fatima imitation
President Trump used the word “shithole” when describing foreign locations.  He mentioned Haiti, El Salvador, and African nations.  Reports about this January 11 Oval Office meeting often fail to mention El Salvador because it does not support the media’s racist narrative.  Apparently El Salvador is not black enough.   We know President Trump used this word because the allegation has been repeated ad-nauseam.  The only source for this charge is Senator Dick Durbin.  Senator Durbin has a history of “misrepresenting” facts.  That is a polite way of saying he is a liar.  Meghan McCain asked him, “You have a history of misrepresenting statements from private White House meetings, and some say that you’ve actually done more harm than good to the DACA deal by revealing what Trump said in his private meeting. Do you think that’s true?”  His response was designed to distract attention from the question.  He replied, “Well, I can tell you what you hear behind me are the voices of democracy; demonstrators who are on Capitol Hill willing to be arrested in a non-violent way for the Dream Act.”   McCain was referring to a 2013 Politico report about a meeting with the president and GOP leaders.  Durbin claimed that one GOP leader stated, “I cannot even stand to look at you” to the president.  The White House and the House speaker’s office denied Durbin’s incendiary claim.  Obama’s press secretary, Jay Carney, stated, “I looked into this and spoke with somebody who was in that meeting and it did not happen.”  Two senators, the president and a cabinet member deny hearing the word said.  The media is sticking with Durbin.

Liberals are outraged by Trumps’ alleged comments.  Durbin stated, “I cannot imagine that in the history of [the Oval Office], that hallowed room, where the president of the United States goes to work every day, there has ever been a conversation quite like that. It was vile, it was hateful, it was racist.”  Perhaps Durbin did not recall that LBJ used quite a bit of off color language in the Oval Office and Bill Clinton did a few things in that “hallowed room” that would shock the sensitive Senator.  Senator Durbin contacted Senator Cory Booker to inform him of what was supposedly said during the meeting.  He got the expected response.  Booker claimed that, “When Dick Durbin called me, I had tears of rage when I heard about his experience in that meeting.”  During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Booker attacked Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.  Earlier Senator Patrick Leahy asked Nielsen whether Trump had used the vulgarity to describe the countries “or a substantially similar word.”  Nielsen responded, “I did not hear that word used.”  Booker blasted, “The commander in chief in an Oval Office meeting referring to people from African countries and Haitians with the most vile and vulgar language, that language festers.  When ignorance and bigotry is [sic] allied with power it is a dangerous force in our country.  Your silence and your amnesia is [sic] complicit in it.”
Would Senator Booker have talked to Senators Perdue and Cotton in the same threatening manner?  Obviously not.  Booker exposed himself for what he is: a lowlife.
Of course the media is doing its best to promote the racist narrative.  Jennifer Rubin, the “conservative” at the Washington Post is doing her best Claude Rains imitation.  She is shocked, shocked to find that politicians lie.  She claims that Senator Cotton not only lied he also impugned the integrity of Sen. Richard Durbin, who told the truth.  She claims, “Honorable men would resign after such a remarkable revelation of their crummy character.”  She suggests that Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen may have violated 18 U.S.C. § 1001 during her testimony before the Judiciary Committee.  Unfortunately I missed Ms Rubin’s articles on the lies the heads of the intelligence agencies committed before Congress.  I also missed her column on Harry Reid who bragged about his lying about Mitt Romney’s taxes.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Book Review - Milena

Margarete Buber-Neumann’s Milema is an account of one of the millions of tragedies that took place in the last century. Her friendship with Milena Jesenka is an example of a relationship the intensity of which can only be created in adversity. Indeed, the word friendship does not do it justice. Margarete points out that not all German’s were beasts, mentioning in particular an SS Overseer Langefeld. I started reading the book to do research on Soviet vs. Nazi concentration camps. It did not satisfy this need but I could not put the book down. It is not without criticism however. Margarete quote Milena at length about the superior qualities of the Czech people. I am sure she would have been disappointed had she lived. The Czechs did not behave all that nobly following the peace. The Nazi had their Lidice. The Czechs had their Horní Moštěnice. Horní Moštěnice was a far greater atrocity than Lidice, but unlike Lidice there was no movie made about it and it was completely forgotten. She also mentions that a “hundred and twenty students and schoolchildren were killed” by the Nazis during a protest in October 1939. The internet claims that two people were killed during this protest. I suspect that the internet figure is closer to the truth. Exaggeration damages one’s credibility.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

A Hookah Smoking Caterpillar Has Given The Media The Call

The sexual harassment charge against Trump did not work.  The Russian collusion charge against Trump appears to be collapsing.  A new “exposé,” “Fire and Fury,” has ushered in the latest attempt to remove the current president.  On the satirically named CNN program, Reliable Sources, the host claimed, “Reporters and some lawmakers are openly talking about the President's mental stability.”  He asserted these, “claims were no longer just speculation but an indisputable fact.”   He then enlisted Carl Bernstein of Watergate fame to bolster his argument.  Bernstein remarked, “We’re in a real constitutional crisis . . . where we as a country and where we as journalists have never been before in which a huge part of the citizenry of our country and the leadership of the country in Congress, privately and in public, openly questioned the fitness and stability of the president of the United States.”  Perhaps Bernstein has forgotten the media’s constant drumbeat that Ronald Reagan was suffering from dementia while in office.  Bernstein may want to get himself checked.

The CNN host complained, “When a president of the United States threatens North Korea by invoking the size of his nuclear button, it is fair to ask about his fitness.”  Trump’s response was an appropriately adolescent reply to an equally adolescent threat.  The clowns on CNN would have been much more comfortable with U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright giving Kim Jong Il a basketball signed by Michael Jordan.  Since 1995, the United States has provided North Korea with over $1 billion in assistance.  How successful has that technique been?

Bernstein confessed that, “We are not advocates here. We are not psychiatrists. We are reporters.”  He then went on to advocate for his psychiatric diagnosis that President Trump is psychologically unfit.  The President is not allowed to criticize the media.  If CNN employees call him crazy he must remain silent.  Bernstein responded to Trump’s criticism of CNN with, “it’s not just anti-CNN. It’s anti- freedom of the press.  It’s anti-freedom of speech.”

In a normal society revealing President Trump’s techniques to his opponents would be counterproductive.  However, his opponents are so delusional that they will not believe that they have been hoodwinked by this “idiot.  President Trump makes a concerted effort to sound less intelligent than he is.  This is an extremely valuable tool when dealing with an opponent.  His opponents might try reading a 2500 year old book by a man named Sun Tzu.  He advised, “He who exercises no forethought but makes light of his opponents is sure to be captured by them.”  However, this is dated information.  Modern media experts are too sophisticated for this.

Considering where the stock market is, how the unemployment rate has fallen, and the condition of ISIS since he was elected, perhaps we should make “idiot” a prerequisite for being president.  Yes the President is unfit.  We have the word of those people who wear those pink hats inspired by Trump's 2005 comments in the Access Hollywood audio.  Perhaps they wore these hats while they were performing their public scream.  As FOX News reported, “From helpless cries to primal screams, liberals protested the one-year anniversary of President Trump’s election by huddling together in public spaces and howling from sea to shining sea.”